Can I say how much I love my babysitter here in California??!! She is wonderful! She also has a little baby. His name is Roman, and he is 1 week younger than Alexa. He is also the happiest little thing. They just entertain
each other all day long. Alexa loves it over there.
Every time I walk her up to the door, her legs start kicking with excitement. I almost think she likes it there m
ore than she likes it at home. :(
Alison (our sitter) is so fun. She has dared to take both of them to the zoo, and here are a few pics of them at the zoo. It looks like they are having so much fun.

Alison also has a cat, which Alexa loves! I'm not a huge cat fan, but this cat I am. It's actually friendly! She will sprawl out next to me when I walk in for me to pet her. So cute! Makes me miss
Mojo so much! I know Alexa would have so much fun with him right now. Hopefully by the end of the year, we can be in a new place that allows dogs.

Her first time on a
carousal. I guess she loved it. Roman didn't at all, she said he was so scared he physically was shaking. Alexa is really fearless. I think she's gonna be a tough little cookie! It
sort of makes me sad, that she's experiencing these things for the first time with someone else, but it makes me happy that someone else cares about her enough to do these things and take pics for me so I can see it.

Alexa teaching Roman how to use a
Alexa is so cute!! Her and Roman look like twins. It is so sweet!! :) Ready for another one yet? ;)