4th of july this year was a lot of fun. Steve actually had the entire day off, it was a miracle. We started the day off at our pool, because Steve desperately needed some color on his ghostly white skin, then we headed out to Huntington Beach for 4th of July celebrations. It was a mad-house there! But we were smart ,we brought Alexa's exersaucer and she played in that all night, she loves that thing!! The firework show was awesome, shot off from the pier. I thought Alexa was going to be frightened, but she was fascinated, couldn't take her eyes off of them.
So Alexa hates the sun in her eyes, so we got her these adorable sunglasses. Most babies would take them right off, but not Alexa, she loves them!! She definately steals the show everywhere we go. She gets so much attention! She smiles and laughs at anyone who talks to her, she's the bast baby in the world and we just love her to pieces!!